How To Know If Someone Blocked You On WhatsApp (2025 Guide)

How To Know If Someone Blocked You On WhatsApp

Facing problems while sending messages to someone, Are you blocked? Whatsapp has many updated features where you can disable features like “Last seen” and “Online” statuses, or hide stories and Display Profile. Someone whom you think may have blocked you has just updated their privacy setting. While there is no such update to tell you that you are blocked or not we are here to show you some signs that can confirm your doubt. 

This article will explain to you all the methods that can provide you with straight hints for how to know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp. These steps apply to all versions on all devices; some of these steps are also relevant to WhatsApp Web. WhatsApp doesn’t allow you to send any notification on blocking someone, so you can confirm it with some signs on the premium chat platform. Here, in this blog, you will learn about the methods to figure out how to sense the blocking activity on WhatsApp.

How to Know If Someone Blocked You on WhatsApp: Signs You Must Know

Unfortunately, there is no confirmed way to make sure that you are blocked by someone on WhatsApp, but if you are blocked then you will likely see these signs:

  • Unable to see profile picture: If you are blocked by someone on WhatsApp, you won’t be able to see their WhatsApp DP. 
  • No last seen: You won’t be able to see their last seen, or when they are active. 
  • Single checkmark on messages: If someone has blocked you on WhatsApp, you will only be able to see one checkmark for sent messages, not two. 
  • Voice Call Features: You can also use the voice call feature on WhatsApp, if you are blocked then it won’t ring through. 
  • Status Update: There will be no status update on that contact who has blocked you.
  • Can’t add on groups: You cannot add them to groups if you are the group admin.

No Update On Profile Photos

If you want to check their profile photo go through the steps:

  • Open your WhatsApp
  • Go to the profile photo of the person you want to see
  • Click on the picture, if you are unable to see their profile photo then you might be blocked
  • There could be other reasons too such as network issues, or update issues

When someone blocks you on WhatsApp, you will no longer see updates to their profile photo. While this can be a sign that you’ve been blocked, it’s not definitive since many users either lack profile pictures or rarely change theirs.

Check Their Last Seen Update 

Here’s how to check the Last Seen status of the user. Last Seen status is the last time the contact used WhatsApp.

  • Find and open a chat with the user.
  • If a conversation isn’t open, find the user’s name and create a new chat.
  • The Last Seen status appears under the user’s name-for example, “last seen today at 10:18 A.M.”
  • If you do not see anything under the user’s name, it might be that he blocked you.
  • An absence of a Last Seen status is not the end; it may not necessarily mean that you have been blocked. 

Go Through The Check Marks On Sent Messages

Messages you send to a contact who has blocked you will always display one checkmark (indicating that the message was sent), but will never display a second checkmark (confirming that a message was delivered). On its own, this could mean the user lost their phone or can’t connect to the internet. When combined with a lack of Last Seen status, however, the evidence is mounting that you’ve been blocked.

Unable To Use Voice Call Features

If you’re blocked, a call to the user might not connect or show an “unsuccessful call” message. Follow the steps to call them on WhatsApp:

  • Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp app on your device.
  • Choose the chat: Go to the conversation with whom you want to call.
  • Tap the call icon: At the top right of the screen for the chat, look for the phone icon and tap on it to make the call.

Check Their Status Update

Another indication that they have blocked you is when you no longer see your contact’s profile status. To view the profile status, tap on the contact’s name from the chat that you have with them.

This is not an absolute sign also, because you can use WhatsApp without saving a contact number. This implies you can send another person a message even though they did not save your number and vice versa. You just will not see the status. Even without the status, therefore, you cannot know for sure whether someone blocked you on WhatsApp.

You Can’t Add the Contact to a WhatsApp Group

Finally, try to add the contact to a WhatsApp group. If you receive a message saying you are not allowed to add them to your group, that is the surest sign that you were blocked.

How to add someone on WhatsApp Group if you are an admin:

  • Open the group chat
  • Click the group subject
  • Click Members
  • Click Add members
  • Search for or select a contact to add
  • Click Add

Extra Tip For Readers

To find out someone has blocked you on WhatsApp: you can “view contacts.” Choose “pay for xyz”; the person they have blocked you or left WhatsApp will never be able to get money sent by you while you can do this with other contacts.

Block High Volumes of Unknown Messages

Blocking of High Volumes of Unknown Messages- As an advanced security measure, it can block unknown messages in a high volume, hence protecting your account and improving your device’s performance.

When you turn on Block Unknown Account messages, WhatsApp will block messages from unknown accounts once it detects that their volume has gone high. Meanwhile, your contacts can message you as usual, but when message rates go back to normal, message blocking is stopped.

What Do I Do If I Have Been Blocked?

You will not want to continue reaching out to a person you know is blocking you for sure; such an act might lead to severe legal consequences for you, such as being jailed for stalking or harassing someone, and most probably, it will be better that you do nothing and respect what that person desires.

If you believe that the person who blocked your phone number did so by mistake, there are a few workarounds you may be able to try:

  • Try calling their landline, if they have one.
  • Talk to a mutual friend, who may be able to shed some light on the situation.
  • Use an alternative means of communication such as email or other social platform.

Being blocked isn’t the nicest experience but it’s just good etiquette to respect the boundaries of the person who blocked you — if they want to talk at a later date, they’ll unblock you and get in touch.

Summing Up!

In the above article on how to know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp, we got to know that you cannot be entirely sure if a person blocked you on WhatsApp. Since WhatsApp doesn’t let the blocked person know about this, you have to look for signs by yourself. Even if nothing of the above is clear evidence that you have been blocked, if all of them occur at the same time, then there is probably a good chance that you are blocked by someone on Whatsapp.

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Q1. What does blocked WhatsApp look like?

When you have been blocked on WhatsApp by someone, you’ll not see them online and won’t be able to view their Last Seen. If you send a message to someone who has blocked you, you will just see one checkmark after sending the message for “sent” but not the second.

Q2. How to know if someone blocked you on WhatsApp without saving your number?

  • Check last seen: If you cannot view Online and Last Seen for that contact it may be that you are blocked. …
  • – Check the Status and the Profile: If you cannot see the profile photo and status from your account of a particular contact. 

Q3. How to React When Someone Blocks You

  • Confirm they blocked you.
  • Wait for at least a period before you do contact the blocker.
  • Drop it if recently broke up with them.
  • Forget them since you never really met IRL.
  • Sit back and await their contact of you.
  • Do not indulge in revenge attempts.
  • Ask another mutual friend for them to say something to your blocker.
  • You contact them back, then the user has blocked you.

Q4. When someone blocks you on WhatsApp, can you see their name?

They don’t allow your name to come up on their status if you have been blocked. WhatsApp has very interestingly brought ambiguity as to whether someone has blocked you or not. A person can get one grey tick and that does not mean those people have blocked you. Also, it can happen that the connection is not available due to lack of internet availability, or when someone is on a flight they will tend to show that one grey tick.